Tuesday, 23 June 2009

A drop in eternity...

This is an expression I have used tonight for the second time ever. Although I'm the only one I know who uses this expression its one that I've only really fully begun to understand rather recently.

The way that I grasp this concept will no doubt give away some of my more peculiar ideas for when its a good time to go for a walk. But I find it easiest to understand this concept, when I stand outside alone in the dark and look up into a clear and star filled sky.

At these moments in time it is almost impossible to describe how tiny I feel. ((which for a guy of my stature means a lot!))

When I fully think about this I come to realize that in the mind of God, I have never not existed. To God I have never not sat and written this, I have never not been born, and I have never not died.

Before I was born I had already existed in the mind of God an eternity, and when I die I will enter back into eternity. How then is it possible for me not to feel tiny when standing alone in the dark staring up at a clear star filled sky, contemplating these very things?

It also brings me vast amounts of comfort. Everything I have done, am doing and will do Is already known about and my ((if I'm lucky)) 70 years of existence will be over ((in comparison with what is to come)) in the blink of an eye, this then brings a new question. If I then go through times of hardship, suffering, great pain and torment - what does that matter outside of that time to a person who is from and is going into Eternity? I think the simple answer is 'very little'.

You might think I'm wrong would love to hear from you if you do! that's what the comment box is for but until next time Ciao.

Friday, 12 June 2009

2 Atoms in a Molecule..

2 Atoms in a Molecule is the Song I am currently listening to by a band called 'Noah and the Whale'. I quite like them.

I'm not sure why I have taken to this blogging malarky but it seems that I have. It seems quite nice to sit up at 2:15am and write stuff rather than sleep. ((The Song has changed to 5 years time, by the same band))

This evening I was pleasently surprised by someone I Consider to be a great friend, Whilst searching through my Ipod looking for a song to play on my Church's Friday Club minibus, I was shocked at the request of 'Do you have any Lily Allen? She has a quirky voice' Normally a request such as this would have not been so shocking, but this question came from none other than Matthew Warnock, the 39 year old Minibus Driver who up untill this moment has managed not to have a computer at his home or watch (I suspect) more than an hours TV a week.

I would never have thought him to be a Lily Allen Fan.

I went for a walk this evening at 1:00am. I found it really relaxing. There was no-one about and I just walked through Cornard untill I got a little lazy and sat on a fence somewhere in the middle of one of the Estates. For 30 Minutes I heard nothing but the sound of a plane passing over, the light buzzing and the occasional call of what I think was an owl. It was Bliss.
About 20 minutes into my little sit down, I became aware that one of the residents had left his house and was now watching me as I sat and though. This disturbed me a little. Not because some strange man had taken to watching me, but because I hadn't up untill now realised that modern life has become so sceptical.

Never before this walk would I have thought, that the presence of one person, sitting silently could cause enough distress to a person that they would leave they're home to simply watch said person . As I got up and began to walk away I heard him walk back into his home and close the door. I did not hear him lock it.

Can a person out in the street really make you feel more unsafe than leaving your door unlocked?

These are the two thing I learnt today:

1) Matt Warnock the 39 year old minibus driver who doesnt have a computer or watch TV likes Lily Allen.
2) A person sitting in the street is more unsafe than leaving your door unlocked at 1:30am.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Does God hate the way we smell?

Isaiah Chapter 1 Verse 13

Stop bringing meaningless offerings! 
Your incense is detestable to me
New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— 
I cannot bear your evil assemblies.


Who'd have thought it? Its 12:58am and i'm already onto another post! I'm kept up tonight by things going on at my Chruch. But we shall reach that when the time is right! 

Tuesday night we as a housegroup studied chapter one of the book of Isaiah and tonight Chris quoted the line 'Your incense is detesable to me' and that asked: 'Does that mean God hates the way we smell?'. I laughed and said no. But now I'm beginning to wonder.

Do Christians often smell of Christianity? Haha even now it seems like a weird answer, but in a sensual world is our faith also detecable by our senses? Quite often as Christians we can 'feel the presence of God' So I guess the real question is Does God hate the way we feel? 

Have you ever walked into a Church and felt unwelcome there? Or into a session of deep prayer and been able to feel it without anything being said? I think I have. So then if a room full of Christians can produce those feelings do we as indeviduals produce it too? Can we ever 'feel' like Christians to other people? 

Personally I've never had anyone say that I feel like a Christian, does my faith then, not shine out of every inch of my being? Do I walk like a Christian, Do I take the bus into town like a Christian, Do people ever see me or anything I do and think 'Was that because he is a Christian?'. Honestly I don't know.

You can tell its late because i'm rambleing, but could we be doing more to 'smell', to 'feel', to 'look' to 'sound' to 'taste' like christians? Do we often go out not even taking our sandles? Do we have the odour of hard work done in love? Do we speak with love, compassion and the joy we should? Do our encounters with people leave a nasty taste behind... or not?

Does God hate the way we smell? I think he could. I think if we carry the name of a living God and we don't smell, feel, look, sound and taste like him, then we need to ask; do we carry him into this world like we should? Do certain parts of our lives become the 'meaningless offerings' of a body that should be totally given over to sacrifice? Is it time to smell the way God wants us to?

Well G'night.  

In the beginning...

Well, 'What an interesting concept' I hear you cry! Not really. I've wanted a blog for some time now, and have always found that I am far too lazy to start one, but here I am never the less starting a blog. 

You will ofcouse forgive me if this blog trails off and dies a quite death,(like many other blogs I would imagine) as I have already stated that I am lazy.


It's been an odd day. After running network cable from the office to the basement yesterday I told stuart that I would be taking today off. Yet come 11am I found myself there eating some pork chops grilled with chilli. The current time is 22:21 and I got home less than an hour ago. Yet any recolection of anything useful I have done today has, as ever eluded me. All I can remember of my productivity today is of my great conquest in producing a 1ft long network cable. A feat accomplished only with the might power of God!! 

I have resolved to believe that vast amounts of command and conqure, call of duty, the simpsons and movie watching do not count as a productive days work. I am in my last month at my Gap year. I feel this lesson has been harder to pick up than many could imagine.

As I sit here now the next year is comming into frightful consideration... a year where I may actually be productive? A truely wonderous thing to believe.

I guess that if I manage to keep this blog going we shall find out!! 

Signing off for the First and possibly last time. 

Dave the 19 year old youth worker.