Thursday 11 June 2009

Does God hate the way we smell?

Isaiah Chapter 1 Verse 13

Stop bringing meaningless offerings! 
Your incense is detestable to me
New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— 
I cannot bear your evil assemblies.


Who'd have thought it? Its 12:58am and i'm already onto another post! I'm kept up tonight by things going on at my Chruch. But we shall reach that when the time is right! 

Tuesday night we as a housegroup studied chapter one of the book of Isaiah and tonight Chris quoted the line 'Your incense is detesable to me' and that asked: 'Does that mean God hates the way we smell?'. I laughed and said no. But now I'm beginning to wonder.

Do Christians often smell of Christianity? Haha even now it seems like a weird answer, but in a sensual world is our faith also detecable by our senses? Quite often as Christians we can 'feel the presence of God' So I guess the real question is Does God hate the way we feel? 

Have you ever walked into a Church and felt unwelcome there? Or into a session of deep prayer and been able to feel it without anything being said? I think I have. So then if a room full of Christians can produce those feelings do we as indeviduals produce it too? Can we ever 'feel' like Christians to other people? 

Personally I've never had anyone say that I feel like a Christian, does my faith then, not shine out of every inch of my being? Do I walk like a Christian, Do I take the bus into town like a Christian, Do people ever see me or anything I do and think 'Was that because he is a Christian?'. Honestly I don't know.

You can tell its late because i'm rambleing, but could we be doing more to 'smell', to 'feel', to 'look' to 'sound' to 'taste' like christians? Do we often go out not even taking our sandles? Do we have the odour of hard work done in love? Do we speak with love, compassion and the joy we should? Do our encounters with people leave a nasty taste behind... or not?

Does God hate the way we smell? I think he could. I think if we carry the name of a living God and we don't smell, feel, look, sound and taste like him, then we need to ask; do we carry him into this world like we should? Do certain parts of our lives become the 'meaningless offerings' of a body that should be totally given over to sacrifice? Is it time to smell the way God wants us to?

Well G'night.  

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